Thursday 12 September 2013

Mainstream or Niche audience, use and gratifications

A niche audience is a small group of people with a unique interest, it is the opposite of the mainstream as mainstream or popular texts would reach out to a wider audience. An example of a niche text would be a children's programme such as "BBC's Balamory", this text only reaches to a younger audience because it is on in the middle of the day when adults and older children are at school.  Moreover the fact the text uses simplified language to make it easier for children to understand. the use and gratifications shows that an audience is full of a group of individuals who choose a media text best suited to their consumption. children personally identify with this media text as they are finding models of behaviour. the mode of address of this text is informal due to its audience. the performers in the text talk directly into the camera to show they are communicating with their audience. as the text consumes a young audience they do this to keep them interested. this also make the audience feel the are physically there with characters, giving them a sense of escapism and diverting them from problems.

A mainstream text would have elements for most ages and types of interests. the text usually would include an ensemble cast that the wide range of audience can relate to. for example "itv 2's  Xfactor" this text is usually shown at the week in the evening when parents have no work and children have no school. the text has different kinds of contestants different ages can relate to. the fact the people in the text are real people, rather than characters, people can relate to them more easily. the use of a tracking shot at the beginning of the xfactor gives the audience a sense of escapism as this allows them to feel they are part of the text. the fact the audience is able to see what is happening behind the contestants singing shows formality, as well as the fact that the contestants share personal stories and information with the audience to show they are the protagonists of the text. this also allows the audience to gain insight into circumstances of others; social empathy. the producers of the xfactor show recaps of what has happened recently in the text, after the breaks, to keep the audience interested in the text, they do this as the text has a wide audience therefore are trying make sure that all of their consumers understand the text.

Skins - uses and gratifications
My favourite television programme is "channel 4's skins", the programme is base on a group of teenagers in college who have certain relationship, friend and family problems implying my age group are the targeted and preferred audience for the text. it also shows what they do and how reckless they can be. the fact the characters are teenagers at college shows I can personally identify as they are models of behaviour and also that I am gaining insight into myself and how I should be at my age. by watching this programme I watch the characters problems, escaping or diverting me from my own. for example in one episode of the text the antagonist falls pregnant at the age of 17, this allows me view other problems that are bigger then my own diverting me from them. this also gratifies gaining insight into circumstances of others; social empathy. s he text contains teenagers of my age it becomes a basis of conversation in my friendship group due to the relative problems occurring such as drinking alcohol and partying in which we can relate to. by consuming the text i am finding models of behaviour in situations that happen at my age for example in one episode it is dedicated to the protagonist trying to get the girl he likes and the journey of how it happens. the fact that these situations occur is also emotional release for the consumers as they can relate to what is happening (e.g. friendship, family and relationship) as it shows problems of teenagers today; who are their consumers because of this. the text gratifies finding out about relevant events and conditions in immediate surroundings, society and the world as it concentrates on problems that occur around the world such as drug taking and teenage pregnancy. the mode of address of the text is informal due its colloquial language and use of slang, again, this reflects the consumers of the texts as teenagers are stereotyped to use slang language. moreover the use of colloquial language suits the situations happening in the text.


  1. You have identified your gratifications for Skins, you must then go on to justify them. Refer to moments/scenes which activated those gratifications, proof what you are saying is true.

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